Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Why Shakespeare's Sister?

Well, largely because I share his birthday. While the exact date of Will's birth is not really known, it is fairly certain that he was born in late April. More importantly though, I, like the bard, love poetry, and I love writing in general.

Naturally, I studied literature in college, and when I first read Virginia Woolf's book, A Room Of One's Own, I was quite fascinated with her hypothesis of how a woman in Shakespeare's time, who might have been as talented as the bard was, would have tried (and inevitably, failed) to be a successful playwright. Feminism is an altogether elaborate can of worms, and one that I don't as a rule open, but I think women writers have come a long way, and I hope that in some small way, I can be a part of this glorious history.

There was also a band with this name in the 1990s, featuring two very Gothic looking women in a video for the only song I have heard by them ("Stay").

I ought to compose a sonnet one of these days.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Random Musings of a Raving Lunatic

For those of you who are unacquainted with me, and therefore, have not yet fully and truly understood words like "neurotic," "idiosyncratic" or "moody," I invite you to take a few deep breaths and watch this space for days when I am particularly imbalanced.

At the present time, since I have already vented, ranted and raved, and successfully finished squabbling with one of my dearest friends, I am in a much better position to think relatively calmly and to hopefully write in such a manner.

*after a few moments of staring at nothing in particular*

This is uncommonly hard. Oh, well....perhaps tomorrow will afford more flexibility to my brain and my fingers...