I Stab Your Back, You Stab Mine
Hoboy. The media may be waiting impatiently to see Barack Obama's next moves, but there's plenty of entertainment on the side with a GOP nightmare that just doesn't seem to end. The election is over, but the gloves within the McCain campaign are only just starting to come off - ABC News encapsulates the problems in some pretty revealing bullet points:
Fox News reports that Palin didn't know Africa was a continent and did not know the member nations of the North American Free Trade Agreement -- the United States, Mexico and Canada -- when she was picked for vice president.
The New York Times reports that McCain aides were outraged when Palin staffers scheduled her to speak with French President Nicholas Sarkozy, a conversation that turned out to be a radio station prank.
Newsweek reports that Palin spent far more than the previously reported $150,000 on clothes for herself and her family.
Several publications say she irked the McCain campaign by asking to make her own concession speech on election night.
Looks like all that "sexism on the trail" was in-house. Palin is now back in Alaska, and rumours have already started to surface that she is considering replacing disgraced Senator Ted Stevens, which could be part of her first steps towards a 2012 or 2016 run.
She might want to expand her vocabulary beyond "maverick" if she's going to be a Washington insider soon.
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